
To build capacity in biodiversity assessment, conservation and management in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, through the facilitation of regional and international knowledge exchange and training.

Picture of biodiversity assessment training course

Biodiversity training course


  1. Counterparts from Central American NGOs (Cocibolca, FUNDAR, Fundación Rio San Juan, Nicaragua; CODEFORSA, Costa Rica) acquire expertise and experience in biodiversity identification, assessment and monitoring in order to build capacity at a regional level.
  2. Counterparts from the NGOs acquire expertise and experience in protected area planning and the development of habitat management plans.
  3. Analysed and interpreted data on the distribution of plant and insect diversity between disturbed and intact forest types across the fragmented La Cureña forest landscape contribute to the decision-making process over the creation and boundaries of a new national park.
  4. Detailed written guidelines, advice and training provided to local NGOs, and the Department for the Environment of Costa Rica (MINAE), contributing to the production of biodiversity management plans for key habitats in the La Cureña area.
HomeBackgroundPurpose & ObjectivesResultsLocationContact
University of Wales, Bangor, United KingdomInstituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), Costa RicaCentro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa RicaDarwin Initiative

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